The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. Vince Lombardi
Creating a Culture of Reliability, Responsibility, and Accountability
In the past few years, some companies have not just weathered the economic storm; they’ve actually emerged stronger than ever. The question is: How did they become the exceptions? These organizations deepened their engagement with employees and created a culture that drives reliability, responsibility and accountability.
Come to this session and learn how to build a corporate culture where employees are self-directed, creative, innovative, and take ownership. Learn the questions to ask employees to determine what contributes to or detracts from their ability to deliver excellent customer service. Employees want to do a good job. Finding out what they need and providing them the tools, processes, etc. allows for improved productivity, profitability and customer satisfaction. Leaders can ensure a “positive service climate” and increase profits if they learn how to nurture the culture of employee engagement, trust, and accountability.
- Understand how to create a responsibility-based culture where innovation and creativity are paramount.
- Explore engagement and empowerment that creates productivity and profitability.
- Learn the 7 step process to engaging and empowering employees.
- Gather an outline of the recognition and reward systems that emphasize excellent service.
- Outline the accountability and role modeling that needs to be employed by managers.